Saturday, November 3, 2012

Making Money Online!

So I know I haven't been on here in quite some time, but I've been busy with life. Anyways, I'm posting today about a new site I came across, where you can make money online just by referring people to do the same thing.

The way it all works is you sign up with two marketing company's, where you do one of the free offers they have available. the offers are mandatory, but again they are free (well most of them). And you get your offer points, which you never have to worry about again. Than once that is taken care of all you have left to do is refer people to your site.

The site you refer people to is a completely different website that is connected to the other ones. This has videos and explanations about the whole system and how it works. It explains how much you can make in a day, week, or month. It is also your home site for when your working.

So far in my experiences with this system it has proven to be quite successful, and you can make over $100 a day. The only hard part about this is getting people to understand that this is not a scam. Trust me, I thought the same thing but i decided to try it anyways. It's free right! So why not.

So I hope this has given you some insight on it from a normal persons point of view. So if you would like to get started with this system, and make some money doing nothing. Than just click on the picture below!!

And remember IT"S FREE

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

God complex drivers

I've noticed that the more I drive, the more irritated I become.
Is it "road rage?"

How can I become so pissed off from just driving on one lane? That can't be the reason, so what is it?

I was on my way home this morning from running an errand, and I made sure to keep myself calm while driving. I began to notice the way people drove around me (I am not one of "those" drivers who hold up the freeway). First, the guy behind me floored it just to make it in front of me. For what? To do the same speed without having to look at the back of my car? I figured it was because I keep a bit of a distance from the car ahead of me. Honestly, I see no reason behind his doing.

Next, I was making my way in my own lane and the guy next to me started to speed up. This is not the first time someone has done that. The guy didn't notice that he was starting to get pretty close to the car in front of him, almost crashing.

So it's not that I become irritated from driving, I just get pissed at how stupid most people around southern California drive.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The feel of music

You know when you listen to a song and you get that "feeling." The chills down your spine so to speak. Have you ever thought of what really causes that? What it is exactly that makes you connect so strongly to that song?

Maybe it's a certain note that's being played, or the scale/mode they use.

Is it the lyrics? The way we connect so deeply into a song that we can relate to what is being said. I know lyrics play an important role when it comes to music, but music itself has no words. We feel what's being played regardless of that. I believe true music comes from the heart, and we put our passion into it. I'm a musician, and I vent my feelings through what I play. If I don't, it just doesn't sound like music to me.

It isn't enough to make someone feel the music though. How exactly does something non-tangible give us this "feeling?" These emotions which can brighten or break our day. We all have our songs that we listen to in order for us to get in a certain mood. But, we are unsure exactly how it's done.

Feel free to share your ideas in the comments.